Joe Assad Chris Robichaud and...



Joe Assad, Chris Robichaud and Doug Scott during PSP (Playstation Portable) Fuses Fashion and Technology in an Exclusive Designer Accesories Show - Arrivals and Front Row at Skylight Studios in New York City, New York, United States. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage)


PSP (Playstation Portable) Fuses Fashion and Technology in an Exclusive Designer Accesories Show - Arrivals and Front Row

Location: New York City, New York United States
Date: Sep 10 2005

Dimitrios Kambouris / Staff





Special instructions: Contact your local office for all commercial or promotional uses.
Release information: Not released. More information

Fashion Show, Horizontal, Video Game, Handheld Video Game, Fuse, PSP, Design Professional, Fashion, Exclusive, New York City, Skylight Studios, Technology, Doug Scott, Arrival, Front Row, USA, Studio, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Accessory

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