Samantha Futerman during Los Angeles...



Samantha Futerman during Los Angeles Premiere of Columbia Pictures' "Memoirs of a Geisha" at Kodak Theater / The Grand Ballroom - Hollywood/Highland in Hollywood, California, United States. (Photo by E. Charbonneau/WireImage for Sony Pictures-Los Angeles)


Los Angeles Premiere of Columbia Pictures' "Memoirs of a Geisha"

Location: Hollywood, California United States
Date: Dec 04 2005

E. Charbonneau / Staff




WireImage for Sony Pictures-Los Angeles

Special instructions: Contact your local office for all commercial or promotional uses.
Release information: Not released. More information

Samantha Futerman, California, City Of Los Angeles, Vertical, Film Premiere, Photography, The Dolby Theatre, Memoirs of a Geisha, Hollywood & Highland Grand Ballroom, Ballroom, Premiere Event, Hollywood - California, USA, Film Industry, Columbia, Arts Culture and Entertainment

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