Tom Petters Mike OShaughnessy during...



Tom Petters & Mike O'Shaughnessy during Polaroid Welcomes Hulk Hogan & Family at CES at Polaroid booth in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. (Photo by Barry Brecheisen/WireImage for Fingerprint Communications)


Polaroid Welcomes Hulk Hogan & Family at CES

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada United States
Date: Jan 10 2007

Barry Brecheisen / Stringer




WireImage for Fingerprint Communications

Special instructions: Contact your local office for all commercial or promotional uses.
Release information: Not released. More information

People, Music, Consumer Electronics Show, Sport, Two People, Hulk Hogan, Mike, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Television Show, Wrestling, Nevada, Greeting, Vertical, USA, Polaroid, Family, Las Vegas, Kiosk

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